
The whole info about the vehicle by VIN! Carfax, AutoCheck

The 3 reports are available without registration today
  • VIN

Are you decide to buy a used car? Great! You may check the VIN by VINformer and will find out all then the seller want to hide! Don't buy "a pig in a poke". You can check the car in car service station of course but you can to discard of the purchase by VIN checking only. And It will be more cheaper than checking a car in car service station. Save your time and your money! For the first check is enough the VIN only. The VINformer service is helpful for you for choosing a used car. The VINformer may be helpful also for insurance and bank underwriters, car experts, customs workers etc.

More then professionals are use the VINformer for work!

We open to cooperation with your business!

Why VINformer?

We are know very much about the VIN decoding and we have a good experience in this field because we do it since 2005! Our partners are adding our reports by information about car's history and car's options and our subscribers during more years trusts for VIN-decoder and use it on these websites and soft.

In addition to decoding a VIN using unique algorithm you can find out car history, get AutoCheck© and get Carfax© reports, check a car for recall, read more information etc. You can decoding a frame# for Japaneese cars and find out car's history by frame# also.

Have any questions? Read the FAQ.

The VINformer.SU is:

24 400

models in database

36 800+

VIN checks per day

21 200

registred users

224 000

clicks per month


New brand - AITO in decoder now
03.04.2024 19:58:00

New Chinese hybrids and EV brand AITO is appear on market some time ago. You can decode AITO VIN via VINformer.

All BMW lineup data was added to the decoder!
01.01.2024 11:32:00

All lineup data for BMW cars since 1981 was added to the VINformer decoder.

All PORSCHE lineup data was added to the decoder!
28.12.2023 16:54:00

All lineup data for PORSHE cars since 1981 was added to the VINformer decoder.

+1 new brand!
08.10.2023 20:06:00

VINformer can decode a VIN for JETOUR now!

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